
This component fetches and displays an NFT's media. It uses thirdweb MediaRenderer under the hood so you can style it just like how you would style a MediaRenderer.


Basic usage

import { NFTProvider, NFTMedia } from "thirdweb/react";
<NFTMedia />

Show a loading sign while the media is being fetched

import { NFTProvider, NFTMedia } from "thirdweb/react";
<NFTMedia loadingComponent={<YourLoadingSign />} />

Show something in case the media failed to resolve

import { NFTProvider, NFTMedia } from "thirdweb/react";
<NFTMedia fallbackComponent={<span>Failed to load media</span>} />

Custom query options for useQuery (tanstack-query)

import { NFTProvider, NFTMedia } from "thirdweb/react";
<NFTMedia queryOptions={{ retry: 3, enabled: false }} />

Basic stylings

You can style NFTMedia with the style and className props.

<NFTMedia style={{ borderRadius: "8px" }} className="mx-auto" />;

Override the media with the mediaResolver prop

If you already have the url, you can skip the network requests and pass it directly to the NFTMedia

src: "/cat_video.mp4",
// Poster is applicable to medias that are videos and audios
poster: "/cat-image.png",

You can also pass in your own custom (async) function that retrieves the media url

const getMedia = async () => {
const url = getNFTMedia(props);
return url;
<NFTMedia mediaResolver={getMedia} />;
function NFTMedia(__namedParameters: NFTMediaProps): null | Element;



let __namedParameters: Omit<
"src" | "poster" | "client"
> & {
fallbackComponent?: JSX.Element;
loadingComponent?: JSX.Element;
| (() => NFTMediaInfo)
| (() => Promise<NFTMediaInfo>);
queryOptions?: Omit<
"queryFn" | "queryKey"


let returnType: null | Element;

A MediaRenderer component